One of two citizens of Brasov City who have undergone the free screening of arterial pressure are hypertensive and in need of treatment. Clinicco Hospital of Cardiology of Brasov has launched the campaign “Together we maintain a healthy heart” through which it offers free screening of arterial pressure to the employees of ELECTROPRECIZIA Sacele, Brasov County and to other companies as well. Until now, almost 1,000 citizens of Brasov City have been tested and the Clinicco specialists have discovered that over 50% of the subjects suffer from arterial hypertension and must contact a specialist.
From the patients with arterial hypertension, almost half had no idea that they have HTN, whereas from those who knew, 60% were not undergoing any type of treatment.
Arterial hypertension represents one of the most frequently encountered cardiovascular risk factors in the world. It is estimated that there are over 5 million hypertensive patients in Romania. Currently, cardiovascular diseases represent the main cause of mortality at a global level, Romania being on the third place in the world, followed by Bulgaria and Ukraine, with over 62% of deaths caused by cardiovascular diseases.
These are some of the reasons that have determined us to begin this action with the purpose of heart protection, health and prevention.
"These are the first steps that we wish to take in order to implement a complex program of primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Early discovery and treatment of cardiac and vascular diseases is in fact our primordial mission, with the view to maintaining the health of the population" ”, stated Dr. Mihai Ursu, Head of the Department and Primary Care Physician specialised in Interventional Cardiology at Clinicco Hospital of Cardiology of Brasov.
Thus, starting from June 15 and until July 15, the employees of Electroprecizia can measure their arterial pressure for free, they can talk to specialists that offers recommendation for a healthy lifestyle and thet also receive a 10% discount voucher for cardiac consults and investigations within the Clinicco Hospital of Cardiology of Brasov.
"This is a very good initiative through which we wish to help employees prevent at discover in time arterial hypertension", stated Loredana Cirjan, PR Manager at Electroprecizia SA.
The same program of preventing and discovering arterial hypertension is also being conducted at Metro Cash&Carry Brasov, with a special stand that was introduced in May.
CLINICCO Hospital has been licensed by the Romanian Ministry of Health since February 2009, it has the permit from the Department of Public Health and it has the evaluation of the Health Insurance Fund of Brasov County, together with the Agreement signed with Health Insurance Fund of Brasov County for hospitalisation services, as well as for reimbursement through National Health Programs for certain sanitary materials.
Clinicco Hospital is situated in the centre of Brasov City and it is specialised in interventional cardiology, electrophysiology and implantable devices and cardiovascular surgery.
Advantages: exceptional teams of doctors, state of the art implantable materials, modern surgical and anaesthetic techniques, strict cleaning rules, extraordinary hospitalisation conditions, European hospitalisation standards at fair prices.
Electroprecizia S.A. is the largest company in the area, with a considerable social impact. The company has over 1,000 employees and 90% of its production is exportable, thus making it the largest contributor to the local tax and fees fund. Apart from tradition, quality and respect for clients, one of the Company’s values is its care for the local community and for the environment.