Dr. Emanuela Ciobanu

+40733 008195

Str. Scolii nr. 8, Brasov

Dr. Emanuela Ciobanu


Medic Specialist Chirurgie Cardiovasculara

Work experience

  • 01.2006 - 12.2008: Rezidentiat la Spitalul municipal de urgenta Roman, medicina generala
  • 01.2009 - 12.2015: Institutul de Boli Cardiovasculare ”Prof dr. George I.M. Georgescu” Iasi, Chirurgie cardiovasculara
  • 05.2010 - 10.2010: Centre Hospitalier Regional Besancon, Hopital Jean Manjoz, Departement de Chirurgie Cardiothoracique, Interne, France
  • 05.2012 - 10.2012: Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Grenoble, Hospital Michallon, Departement de Chirurgie Cardiaque, France - Practicien Attache Associee, France
  • 11.2013 - 11.2014: Spitalul European Polisano , Romania – medic colaborator chirurgie cardiovasculara

Specialty courses

  • Noiembrie 2010: Simpozionul International de Chirurgie Cardiovasculara “10 years of Cardiovascular Surgery in Iasi” -co-autor “Mechanical complications in acute myocardial infarction”Noiembrie 2010 - Simpozionul International de Chirurgie Cardiovasculara “10 years of Cardiovascular Surgery in Iasi” - co-autor “The Evolution of Coronary Surgery”
  • Noiembrie 2010: Simpozionul International de Chirurgie Cardiovasculara “10 years of Cardiovascular Surgery in Iasi” - co-autor “Mitral Valve Surgery in IBCV Iasi - Comparing Study with EACTS”
  • Noiembrie 2010: Simpozionul International de Chirurgie Cardiovasculara “10 years of Cardiovascular Surgery in Iasi”- co-autor “Aspects of the surgical treatment of peripheral vascular disease”
  • Noiembrie 2010: Simpozionul International de Chirurgie Cardiovasculara “10 years of Cardiovascular Surgery in Iasi” - co-author “Case report: Gigantic left atrium thrombus”
  • Aprilie 2011: Al 8-lea Congres International pentru Studenţii de Medicina si Tineri DEoctori – co-autor for “Abdominal Aortic Hypoplasia – treatment”
  • Aprilie 2011: Al 8-lea Congres International pentru Studenţii de Medicina si Tineri Doctori – co-autor for ‘Surgical Management of a patient with Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy and Coronary Artery Disease’
  • Martie 2011: instructor in “The first Workshop of Basic Skills in in Cardiac Surgery” at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa” Iaşi;
  • Aprilie 2012: Membru in comitetul de organizare al “Scolii de vara de chirurgie cardio-vasculara”
  • Septembrie 2013: Al 9-lea Congres National al Societatii de Chirurgie Cardiovasculara – co-autor “Surgical Vascular Emergenc
  • Septembrie 2013: Al 9-lea Congres National al Societatii de Chirurgie Cardiovasculara – co-autor “Complex mitral valve plasty involving neocordae- retrospective study”
  • Septembrie 2013: Al 9-lea Congres National al Societatii de Chirurgie Cardiovasculara – autor “Surgical Treatment for the rupture of the free ventricular wall post-acute myocardial infarction”
  • Septembrie 2013: Al 9-lea Congres National al Societatii de Chirurgie Cardiovasculara – autor “Massive Mediastinal Hematoma -Late Complication After Surgical Treatment of the Acute Ascending Aortic Dissection”
  • Septembrie 2013: Al 9-lea Congres National al Societatii de Chirurgie Cardiovasculara – autor ”Case Report : Pacient with Laubry-Pezzi Syndrome”
  • Septembrie 2013: Al 9-lea Congres National al Societatii de Chirurgie Cardiovasculara – co-autor “Marfan Syndrome complicated with Acute Dissection of the Aorta”
  • Octombrie 2014: Primul Congres National de Chirurgie Vasculara co-autor “Combined technique in treating acute aortic dissection surgery-multiflow modulator endoprostesis – case report”
  • Octombrie 2014: The Use Of MFM Technology In The Treatment Of Thoraco-Abdominal Aneurismal and Aortic Dissection Pathology - One Centre’s Experience
  • Octombrie 2014: The Use Of MFM Technology In The Treatment Of Thoraco-Abdominal Aneurismal and Aortic Dissection Pathology - One Centre’s Experience
  • March 2015: 64th ESCVS European Society for Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery – co-author - Intermediate results with the use of the new generation MFM grafts in the endovascular treatment of aortic dissections and aneurysms
  • STS 2015: Annual Meeting - Co-author – “The Use of MFM Technology in the Treatment of Thoraco-Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and Aortic Dissection Pathology: A Single Center Experience
  • 07.2017: East Meets West Congress : Co-autor Controlling the flow – new methods of TEVAR for TBAD

Academic and research activity

  • 2015: Journal of Vascular Surgery: Streamliner for Subacute Complicated Type B dissection using the Phantom Technique, co-autor Proiectul Saving Hearts, co-cercetator 2014-2017 Studiul Streamliner Cardiatis, co-cercetator, 2014-2016 studiul Dragon Cardiatis, co-cercetator 2015-2016

Foreign languages:

  • Engleza - fluent
  • Franceza - fluent
  • Spaniola - incepator
  • Italiana - incepator
  • Rusa - incepator