Maria Cristea - pacient, 63 years old
Iulia Brezoi - pacient, 16 years old
Gabriela Brezoi - pacient, 48 years old
Incep aceste randuri cu o liniste si un sentiment de siguranta in ceea ce priveste reusita operatiei de sold a bunicii mele (Artroplastie de revizie de sold), in varsta de 74 ani. Spun asta deoarece a trecut prin doua operatii gresite si-mi pierdusem orice speranta, deoarece nimeni nu mai risca sa o faca pe a treia, iar proteza de care avea nevoie nu se gasea nicaieri in Romania. Am reusit sa aflu de cei de la Clinicco Ortopedie cu ajutorul unei doctorite din Bacau. De la primul telefon mi-am dat seama ca am ajuns in locul potrivit. Tot personalul este impecabil. Energia din clinica este una foarte buna, personalul te intampina cu zambetul pe buze, nici nu zici ca esti in spital. De domnul doctor Balint, nu stiu ce sa zic, este un inger. Sper sa il tina Dumnezeu mult pe pamant pentru ca lumea are nevoie de el. Bunica mi-a zis ca la plecare a venit la ea, a imbratisat-o si a pupat-o pe frunte. Pare de necrezut ca inca mai sunt oameni atat de valorosi in tara noastra. Va multumesc mult inca o data! Recomand cu toata inima Clinicco Ortopedie Brasov. Stefan Vieru - Nephew of pacient Sova Georgeta - 74 years
Profesionalismul este calificativul cel mai potrivit pentru Clinica de Ortopedie Brasov, condusa de domnul doctor Andor Balint. Echipa medicala (medici, asistente, infirmiere, kinetoterapeuti) de top si nivel european. Conditii hoteliere si de spitalizare excelente, asa cum ar trebui sa fie peste tot. M-am externat vindecat si multumit. Cu tot respectul, va multumesc stimati colegi. Dr. Dan Ionescu - Pacient, 63 years
We wish to thank the management and the entire medical staff and service staff of S.C. Clinicco Brasov for the outstanding professionalism and dedication they have shown in treating Mr. Mandrea Dan, General Manager of our company, whose surgery was a medical success, way beyond the standards of many other European countries. Mr. Mandrea’s recovery is going well. He has no problem moving around. Berto Pier Luigi - Chairman C.A. al S.C. Vinalcool S.A. Bacau
I particularly value the sense of responsibility, duty, humanity, sensitivity, generosity, professionalism and knowledge of the medical techniques and procedures of the 4 doctors under the guidance of Doctor Balint Andor M.D., together with anaesthesiologist Dr. Popa Ecaterina. Together they make a great team. About the health care services, I can say that it they are European standard services, and that this clinic should be an example for the state hospitals. Mandrea Dan - General Manager of S.C. Vinalcool S.A. Bacau
I will never forget the expression on my mother’s face when she was discharged, as opposed to the moment of her admission: she looked younger because she no longer had the excruciating pain that she had grown used to it for the past 2 years. My parents and I can only send a huge Thanks you to Doctor Balint, anaesthesiologist Popa, the entire team of Orthopaedics and Intensive Care and, of course, all the other wonderful people who make a clinic work so well in Romania! Daughter of patient Eleonora S. - Operated on June 17th, 2013 in the Orthopaedic Department – CLINICCO
I want to thank Doctor Andor Balint M.D. and Doctor Ion Loghinescu M.D., as well as Doctor Ecaterina Popa M.D. for the moments of happiness I experienced on March 22, 2012, when I reached the 3313 m altitude on top of the ETNA volcano on foot.” –Bilateral total hip arthroplasty patient, in the orthopaedic department of the CLINICCO Hospital, in 2009 – 2010. Mircea Naghiu - Brasov
What I went through and what I have seen in this hospital, from medical procedures performed on me, the intensive care unit, a group of young women aged between 20 and 30, who make you feel like you are the protagonist of the "Emergency Hospital" TV show, to the postoperative care in the orthopaedic section, which makes everything bearable, it all made me regain faith that it can be done at home too. Even better than in other countries. Maria - 58 years