Advice for patients orthopaedics

Postoperative behaviour at home

Complying with your physician's indications upon discharge and undergoing a quality recovery have a big impact on the results of the arthroplasty. You have to dress the postoperative wound and to protect it from irritation. From the moment the stiches are removed, we recommend that the area should not get in contact with water for 2 weeks. If the wound becomes red or it festers, you should contact your physician. Apart from this, you should also:
  • Have an adequate diet that is rich in vitamins and iron, with appropriate hydration;
  • Progressively resume walking, at first indoors, then outdoors on even ground and on stairs. Upon discharge you will be able to walk using forearm crutches that you will use for about 3 months;
  • Do gymnastics a few times a day, preferably in a specialised centre;
  • Resume most of your daily activities within 3-6 weeks after the surgical intervention (at first, a certain amount of discomfort and fatigue are to be expected).

What should you pay attention to after being discharged?

During your hospitalisation you are closely monitored by the medical staff regarding the occurrence of postoperative complications. After leaving the hospital there is a slight chance of developing complications. The most severe complications are infections and deep venous thrombosis (DVT). Herein under are the symptoms that you should pay attention to:

In case of infection:

  • Persistent fever (over 38 degrees) or shivers;
  • Redness, increased sensitivity or tumefaction in the operated region;
  • Secretion from the operated hip/knee;
  • Increased pain of the hip/knee, while resting or moving.

In case of deep venous thrombosis (DVT):

  • Muscle pain in the thigh or shank, without any relation to the surgery;
  • Colouring or tumefaction of the thigh, shank or leg.

In case of pulmonary embolism (passage of a thrombus fragment into the lung):

  • Lack of air (dyspnoea)
  • Chest pain, especially related to breathing
If you present with any of these symptoms, even a few weeks after surgery, please contact your physician or call the reception immediately.

Precautions for patients with hip replacement

  • In the first weeks after surgery, be careful to avoid any falls. Falling can affect your hip replacement. Use the crutch or ask someone to help you until you regain your muscle strength, mobility and balance.
nu va rasuciti excesiv picioarele si corpul inauntru sau in afara
Do not rotate your legs or body towards the inside or the outside excessively!
nu va flectati soldurile mai mult de 90 de grade
Do not flex your hips to more than 90 degrees!
nu incrucisati picioarele
Do not cross your legs!
  • Comply with the recommended recovery program
  • Go to the recommended clinical and radiological exams

Precautions for patients with knee replacement:

nu dormiti cu o perna sub genunchiul operat
Do not sleep with a pillow under the operated knee! Your knee will heal without recovering its complete extension.
nu va sprijiniti pe genunchiul operata
Do not lean on the operated knee!
nu faceti genuflexiuni
Do not squat or do genuflexions!

Recommendations for patients with hip and knee replacement

asezati-va pe scaune suficient de inalte
Sit on chairs that are high enough or use a pillow to increase the chair's height.
folositi un inaltator pentru scaunul de toaleta
Use a toilet seat lift.
folositi un incaltator cu maner mai lung
Use a longer shoehorn in order to avoid flexing the hip joint.
dormiti cu o perna intre picioare pe o perioada de 3 luni postoperator
Sleep with a pillow between your legs for 3 months after surgery.

Long-term advice after undergoing hip or knee arthroplasty

  • Do a set of easy exercises regularly to insure muscle tone and mobility of the hip or knee;
  • Be careful and try to avoid falls or other accidents; however, if they happen, visit your orthopaedist immediately;
  • Inform your dentist that you have a hip or knee replacement and any intervention will have to be performed under the protection of an antibiotic, for the rest of your life;
  • Treat any infectious process adequately (urinary infections, ENT infections) under the supervision of your family physician
  • Undergo an annual orthopaedic exam that involves a clinical exam and a control X-ray.